
my daugh­ter often says when we walk through the streets and she lets her imag­i­na­tion run wild. This is how the con­cept pho­to project and sub­se­quent web­site came about, in which the Sen­ate decides to redesign open spaces in Berlin to pro­tect cit­i­zens from the heat. check out the exper­i­men­tal website:

Display your art where it is not expected! No sooner said than done. My current exhibition “Gartenlauben im Wandel der Jahreszeiten” can be found in Wohnpark Wuhlheide. A facility where elderly people spend their twilight years with dignity and joy.

Dur­ing the coro­na pan­dem­ic, I expe­ri­enced a phase of deep heartache and dis­cov­ered the gaze­bo colony in my neigh­bor­hood in Berlin-Licht­en­berg. The vari­ety of Garten­lauben, each with its own archi­tec­ture and charis­ma, remind­ed me of small the­ater stages. These indi­vid­ual retreats gave me a calm­ing and con­tem­pla­tive atmos­phere in the warm sum­mer months as well as in the qui­et win­ter months.

The exhi­bi­tion at Wohn­park Wuhlhei­de is also intend­ed to con­vey this effect to its audi­ence — res­i­dents, vis­i­tors and every­one who works there. It is intend­ed to serve as an oasis of inspi­ra­tion and inner peace.