
This pho­to­graph­ic project cen­ters on inti­mate por­traits of friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers with­in their homes, explor­ing the deep con­nec­tion between indi­vid­u­als and their per­son­al liv­ing spaces.

The apart­ments are more than just backdrops—they are reflec­tions of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and lifestyle, offer­ing insights into the per­son­al­i­ties, rou­tines, and habits of those who inhab­it them. At its core, the project seeks to cap­ture the nuanced rela­tion­ship between peo­ple and their pri­vate environments.

The home is por­trayed as both a mir­ror of iden­ti­ty and a space for per­son­al growth. Posi­tioned as a visu­al study, the project blends doc­u­men­tary and aes­thet­ic ele­ments. The result­ing images aim to reveal not only the indi­vid­u­als them­selves but also the pro­found role of liv­ing spaces as expres­sions of iden­ti­ty and sanc­tu­ar­ies of retreat.

Marco van Oel Portraitfotografie Eventfotografie in Berlin
Marco van Oel Portraitfotografie Eventfotografie in Berlin
Marco van Oel Portraitfotografie Eventfotografie in Berlin
Portraitfotografie Schauspieler- und Künstlerfotos in Berlin
Marco van Oel Portraitfotografie Eventfotografie in Berlin
Marco van Oel Portraitfotografie Eventfotografie in Berlin